An unusual instrument formation in the amplified music scene, Maite Larburu and The Charlies give a powerful live performance, full of dynamics, subtle timber colors, depth of sound and emotion.
Zaborra metafora bat da batzuetan. Baina ze metafora da kiratsa darion hau?
2020ko otsaila: zabortegi baten kolapsoak bi langile desagerrarazi ditu azpian. Esan patua izan dela. Esan zoria izan dela. Edo haien senide txiki eta apala, zorte txarra. Ardura eta erantzukizuna maskaratzeko mozorroak ere izan daitezke, ordea, hondamendiari jarritako hitzok. Batzuentzat ezbeharra dena, istripua da beste batzuentzat.
2020ko martxoa: covida heldu da. Egia, egitatea, kontakizuna... Baina nola adierazi samina mundua pandemia baten menpe izoztu denean?
Pantailek hartu dute hitzaren tokia eta zaborrak gure bizien arrasto bihurtu dira.
Langile bat hiltzen da beharrean. Astero.
2022ko otsaila... Zabor meta erraldoian aztarrika, bide-seinale modura erabiliko ditugun galdera ikurrak besterik ez ditugu topatu. Eta bizitzaren balizko zentzuaren gainetik, bizitza bera huts-hutsean maitatu behar dugula dioen intuizioa.
IDAZLEA_ Harkaitz Cano
Ander Lipus
Maite Larburu
Manex Fuchs
Ruth Guimerá
Eneko Gil
Ane Sagues
Jon Ander Urresti
BIDEOA_ Maialen Beraustegi
KOREOGRAFIA_ Philippe Ducou
MUSIKA_ Maite Larburu, Asier Ituarte
SOINU DISEINUA_ Philippe Barandiaran
TEKNIKARIA_ Ieltxu Ostolaza
TEASERRA_ Eñaut Castagnet
ARGAZKIAK_ Ainhoa Resano
DISEINU GRAFIKOA_ Roberto Quintana
EKOIZPENA_ Iasone Parada, Mikel Unamunzaga, Argi Perurena
MEDIAZIOA_ Arantxa Hirigoyen
BANAKETA_ Irantzu Azpeitia
Ana has invited two former lovers of her youth to a hut in Irati forest. One last weekend, in the name of what they were and dreamed of. Aitor and Txolarre will come, but they don't know that there will be three of them. They love each other a lot but it’s hard to share what’s so intimate. Leaving aside exclusivity, romance, ego, property, custom, culture, and education, even if it’s for a single weekend, it will result in huge inner calamities. In the wild jungle, between deers and fungi, the distance between what each thinks, says and does will expose the characters. We have been told many times that the utopia of freedom is dying, but in the name of love, how far can we go?
Direction: Ximun Fuchs
Choreography: Philippe Ducou
Writing: Arantxa Hirigoyen, Maite Larburu, Manex and Ximun Fuchs
Cast: Maite Larburu, Manex Fuchs, Ximun Fuchs
Music: Maite Larburu
Scenography and costumes: Fran Dussourd
Lighting design and technique: Aitz Amilibia
Sound design: Philippe Barandiaran
Video creation: Eñaut Castagnet
Photos: Ainhoa Resano
Graphic design: Roberto Quintana
In the least expected times and places, in the poorest conditions and in the most unbelievable places, the sweetest fruits are often created against all expectations. Nature is wise as well. The same is true of songs: a crossover of style, version and deviation, a mixture of words and sounds… Poems or non-poems, the most unpredictable and bizarre lyrics could be made to be sung.
Out of the usual paths and based on the anti-racist anthem Strange Fruit, made famous by singer Billie Holiday, Maite Larburu and Harkaitz Cano bring a collection of strange fruits made up of original and adapted songs.
Kax-kax-kax! Knock-knock-knock!
Who is it? The beginning of a joke. Knock-knock-knock! Who is it? The water breaks and I am thrown into the world. Knock-knock-knock! Who is it? Another door. And another one. What is life? Sequence of doors. Some open, others don’t, although sometimes we just stay at the doorstep, unable to enter. Knock-knock-knock! Who is it? We go through the door but our foot gets stuck. What are revolving doors? Jokes that are told over and over again. Knock-knock-knock or ha-ha-ha? I knocked on the door and it opened. Who is it? I was calling from the inside.
Katixa Agirre and Maite Larburu will walk around doors, singing songs and telling stories. But who will sing what? Who will tell?
Only thresholds remain standing after the earthquake. So says the old expression. But don't believe everything they tell you, because it's not always true... walk all the way inside or stay outside... just in case!